Angry Blog
News and recent painting projects.

Custom Painted X-wing Ships – VT-49 Decimator and Slave One
Painted VT-49 Decimator and Slave One for X-Wing Miniatures Game I had a couple of these large ships spare so thought I'd have a crack at painting them. The Decimator is in the same style as a Star Wars Armada ship of the same type that I painted a while back; the...

Star Wars Armada – More Sabre Workshop Collaboration Ships
A small selection of ships from Sabre Workshop that I’ve painted up over the last 3 months.

Range Trooper Commission for Star Wars legion
A commission project to paint 3 units of Range Troopers for Star Wars Legion.

Star Wars Armada Pirate Fleet – Part 3
A commission project to paint a selection of Star Wars Armada ships for my client’s pirate fleet

Painted Republic Mandator II Star Dreadnought for Star Wars Armada
A big project – a painted Mandator II Star Dreadnought for Star Wars Armada

Painted K-Wing and TIE Reaper for Star Wars Armada
A couple of non-official Star Wars Armada squadrons that I painted recently

More Painted 3D Printed Star Wars Armada Ships
A host of newly painted non-official ships for star wars armada.

Star Wars Diorama – Walking the Gonks
A tiny Star Wars Diorama I made, inspired by the work @ Lightship Customs

Painted Crashed Escape Pod for Star Wars Legion
A painted Crashed Escape Pod model from the Star Wars Legion expansion.
This came from a Legion set that I bought, mostly unpainted, so I gave it some TLC.

Painted Sabaoth Destroyer for Star Wars Armada
Another fantastic 3d printed model – from Sabre Workshop in the UK.

Painted Squadron Commission for Star Wars Armada
A set of Villains and TIE Defenders for Star Wars Armada, painted for a commission project.

Painted Separatists for Star Wars Legion
A bunch of CIS Separatists who were ebay rescues, painted up for Star Wars Legion.

Painted Clan Wren for Star Wars Legion
A unit of Clan Wren for Star Wars Legion, painted up in blue.

Star Wars Legion painting Commission – Dark Troopers and Moff Gideon
Here you can see a 3 units of Dark Troopers and Moff Gideon that I painted up for a commission.

Painted Fighter Squadron Commission for Star Wars Armada
A small set of Star Wars Armada fighter squadrons that I painted as part of a commission.

Painted Gladiator Star Destroyers for Stare Wars Armada (3D Printed)
A pair of 3D printed Gladiator Star Destroyers for Star Wars Armada – painted as part of a collaboration with Tacticool Solutions in the UK.
Painting style inspired by Vykes’ posts on the old FFG forums.

Painted Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser Commission for Star Wars Armada
A pair of painted Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruisers for Star Wars Armada

Painted Nebulon Cruiser Commission for Star Wars Armada
This Nebulon Cruiser 3D print is part of a multi-part Star Wars Armada commission.

Star Wars Armada Painting Collaboration with Tacticool Solutions
I’ve stared a collaboration project with Tacticool Solutions here in the UK. They make great 3D prints for both Star Wars Legion and Star Wars Armada.

Painted Core Set Rebel for Star Wars Legion
In my continued experimentation with using contrast paints, I painted to a set of Rebel Troopers and an AT-RT for Star Wars Legion.

Painted Luke Skywalker Commander for Star Wars Legion
A painted Luke Skywalker for Star Wars Legion. This Luke was painted quickly with contrast paints.