Angry Blog
News and recent painting projects.

Star Wars Armada – More Sabre Workshop Collaboration Ships
A small selection of ships from Sabre Workshop that I’ve painted up over the last 3 months.

Painted Liberty Cruiser for Star Wars Armada
Back to painting some Star Wars Armada ships! This Rebel Liberty Cruiser was an opportunity to do some more advanced weathering – this time involving pigment paints which I’ve not used before.

Providence-class Carrier Commission for Star Wars Armada
Painting this Star Wars Armada Providence-class carrier for a commission project.

Painted Home One MC80 for Star Wars Armada
I repainted a Home One as prep for a commission project. In this experiment I used Vallejo’s blue UV fluorescent paint in the engines.

Painted Revell 1/5000 Imperial Star Destroyer Commission
Painted Revell Star Destroyer Commission This was a really interesting commission project. I've categorised it under "Star Wars Armada" as that's the closest category, for obvious reasons! The model is over a foot (30cm) long - quite a bit bigger than an Armada Star Destroyer. The hull was painted with lots of stippling, followed-up with by a number of grey washes, and then plenty of dry-brushing to bring out the detail. (The hull actually has lots of detail on it - the model itself is...

Worms and Rats – Painted Blacklist Miniatures!
I’ve painted a few more of the Blacklist Miniatures Fantasy Series 1 minis – this time, some Worms and Rats.

Another painted T-47 Air Speeder
I painted yet another T-47, this time using stippling on the hull to give it some texture.

Painted Dewback Rider for Star Wars Legion
Making a change from painting lots of vehicles, I thought I’d have a go at a Dewback Rider for Star Wars Legion.

Painted Barricades from Star Wars Legion Core Set
A set of barricades from the Star Wars Legion core set, painted up with weathering and battle damage.

Painted Rebel Commandos for Star Wars Legion
A unit of Rebel Commandos for Star Wars Legion, painted to a high standard.

Painted Rancor Monster for Star Wars Legion
A painted 3D printed Rancor monster, painted and based ready for Star Wars Legion.

Painted TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank for Star Wars Legion
A painted Occupier tank thing for Star Wars Legion.
Painted with lots of stippling!

Painted Priority Supplies for Star Wars Legion
A set of painted Priority Supplies for Star Wars Legion. Good fun to paint as they are pretty quick to do and get good results.

Painted Paladin and Barbarian – Blacklist Miniatures Fantasy Series 1
A couple of the hero characters from the Blacklist Miniatures Fantasy Series 1, all painted nice, like

Oh my god, I’ve painted a FANTASY miniature!
Painted Female Sorcerer Yes yes yes, I know this website is entitled "Angry Space Triangles" and is mostly about Star Wars... 😆 ...But I'd not painted any fantasy miniatures since before I went to university (a couple of decades ago, that was) so I bought this little hottie from eBay to have a go. I'm particularly pleased with the metal bits on the staff, and the globe. The metal bits were done in semi-metallic first, then drybrushed with full metallic paint and then I finally added small...

Painted Emperor Palpatine for Star Wars Legion
A painted Emperor Palpatine for Star Wars Legion. Painted with a textured effect on his robes.

Painted Obi Wan Kenobi for Star Wars Legion
Photos of a Star Wars legion Obi Wan Kenobi miniature that I painted for a commission.

Painted Fleet Troopers for Star Wars Legion
A unit of painted Fleet Troopers for Star Wars Legion.

Painted Separatist Fighter Squadrons for Star Wars Armada
A set of painted Separatist Fighter squadrons for Star Wars Armada. These were all painted as part of a commission.

Painted Jyn Erso for Star Wars Legion
A Jyn Erso miniature from Star Wars Legion, painted to a good standard.
She’s one of my favourite characters from the Star Wars Universe.

Painted X-34 Landspeeder for Star Wars Legion
A painted X-34 Landspeeder for Star Wars Legion, painted to a high standard.