Painted Sabaoth Destroyer for Star Wars Armada

Painted Sabaoth Destroyer for Star Wars Armada


Collaboration with Sabre Workshop

Thanks to Sabre Workshop (formerly Tacticool Solutions) for the model here.

My Objectives

As it’s such a large model I didn’t want to spend a lifetime painting it, so I chose a scheme that could be done quite quickly (in theory!), but I also wanted to get some practice out of the project too.

Wet Blending the Hull in Blue

I experimented with wet-blending the main hull, from dark blue at the back to a more vibrant blue at the front.  I was pleased with the results, eventually!

One thing I learned was to clean  my surface more often; I noticed a bunch of tiny “bits” that got into the paint work while doing the blending.

Defects and Battle Damage: Less is More?

You can’t see the bottom of the ship since I didn’t bother to photograph it. I went a bit overboard on the battle damage effects  but luckily realised my error so I could hold back a bit on the top side of the ship.  In the end, I am pleased with the top side, so it worked out well and good; hopefully I’ll remember that LESS IS MORE in future!

Text Decals – Aurebesh

I also experimented with using some Aurebesh text decals which I’d just designed.  They would look better in white, but white ink for laser printers is super expensive and a bit of a minefield from what I can see, so maybe this is something for the future. Still, I think it looks OK.


Painted Sabaoth Destroyer for Star Wars Armada
Painted Sabaoth Destroyer for Star Wars Armada
Painted Sabaoth Destroyer for Star Wars Armada
Painted Sabaoth Destroyer for Star Wars Armada
Painted Sabaoth Destroyer for Star Wars Armada