Painted Sabaoth Destroyer for Star Wars Armada
Collaboration with Sabre Workshop
Thanks to Sabre Workshop (formerly Tacticool Solutions) for the model here.
My Objectives
As it’s such a large model I didn’t want to spend a lifetime painting it, so I chose a scheme that could be done quite quickly (in theory!), but I also wanted to get some practice out of the project too.
Wet Blending the Hull in Blue
I experimented with wet-blending the main hull, from dark blue at the back to a more vibrant blue at the front. I was pleased with the results, eventually!
One thing I learned was to clean my surface more often; I noticed a bunch of tiny “bits” that got into the paint work while doing the blending.
Defects and Battle Damage: Less is More?
You can’t see the bottom of the ship since I didn’t bother to photograph it. I went a bit overboard on the battle damage effects but luckily realised my error so I could hold back a bit on the top side of the ship. In the end, I am pleased with the top side, so it worked out well and good; hopefully I’ll remember that LESS IS MORE in future!
Text Decals – Aurebesh
I also experimented with using some Aurebesh text decals which I’d just designed. They would look better in white, but white ink for laser printers is super expensive and a bit of a minefield from what I can see, so maybe this is something for the future. Still, I think it looks OK.