I’ve painted a few more of the Blacklist Miniatures Fantasy Series 1 minis – this time, some Worms and Rats.
Worms and Rats – Painted Blacklist Miniatures!
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I’ve painted a few more of the Blacklist Miniatures Fantasy Series 1 minis – this time, some Worms and Rats.
A couple of the hero characters from the Blacklist Miniatures Fantasy Series 1, all painted nice, like
Painted Female Sorcerer Yes yes yes, I know this website is entitled "Angry Space Triangles" and is mostly about Star Wars... 😆 ...But I'd not painted any fantasy miniatures since before I went to university (a couple of decades ago, that was) so I bought this little hottie from eBay to have a go. I'm particularly pleased with the metal bits on the staff, and the globe. The metal bits were done in semi-metallic first, then drybrushed with full metallic paint and then I finally added small...