A review of the Star Wars Armada mod for Tabletop Simulator.
(Updated Jan 2021)

A review of the Star Wars Armada mod for Tabletop Simulator.
(Updated Jan 2021)
Our first battle running stuff from wave 6.
We see a Light Carrier, Hammerhead and Disposable Capacitors getting a try-out.
This battle is between Sato and Jerjerrod, and features a big squadron mash-up, Biggs Darklighter being awesome, and the Warlord, Jonus and Quad Turbo Laser Cannons combo being tested out.
Some commentary on Battle Report 4 concerning Warlord, Captain Jonus, Biggs Darklighter and more.
Experimentation with Jamming Fields, TIE Phantoms and E-Wings
A write up of interesting observations and learning from my most recent Star Wars Armada battle.
– Jamming Fields
– Suppressor
– TIE Phantoms
– E-WIngs
A battle between Rebels and Imperials. Jerjerrod vs Madine. A fighter-heavy engagement with use of TIE phantoms and Jamming Fields.
A battle between a rebel Ackbar fleet and an Imperial Jerjerrod fleet in summer 2019.
Limited to Wave 5 ships and squadrons.