Painted Rebels from the Star Wars Legion Core Set


The Plan – Quick and Effective

My intention was to paint a bunch of Rebels who  have been sitting in my backlog for ages, as as per usual, I wanted to take a “value for money” approach.

The Painted Rebel Troopers

I painted these guys in a similar way to the Luke Skywalker in my previous post.  I started off with a very light brown base coat and then applied several layers of home brew contrast paints, firstly in a greeny-brown and then a darker brown.  This resulted in a semi-camouflage look without having to actually paint on camouflage.

The Painted AT-RT

I was super pleased with the AT-RT as it gave me an opportunity to create something with high contrast, which is something it tend to struggle with – my default style is quite under-stated.

Here the grey metal look of AT-RT itself acts as a sort of baseline from which the other colours really pop out from.

Painted Rebel Troopers for Star Wars Legion
Painted AT-RT for Star Wars Legion
Painted Rebel Troopers for Star Wars Legion
Painted Rebel Troopers for Star Wars Legion
Painted Rebel Troopers for Star Wars Legion
Painted Rebel Troopers for Star Wars Legion
Painted Rebel Troopers for Star Wars Legion
Painted AT-RT for Star Wars Legion
Painted AT-RT for Star Wars Legion
Painted AT-RT for Star Wars Legion
Painted AT-RT for Star Wars Legion