Painted Imperial Scout Troopers for Star Wars Legion

 A bunch of scoutie-scouties for Star Wars Legion. These guys have been sitting in my backlog for ages, so it was about time I got around to painting them.

They took far longer to paint that expected – durig the proces of building up the layers of white I ended up creating a mess.

What I learned: since some fixing is ineviatble after painting 3 white layers, paint on the white much more quickly since the fixing has to be done anyway.  

(Fixing was quite quick – it meant just running around each model with some black to undo white splodges. 

Scout Troopers for Star Wars Legion

A single sniper scout trooper

Scout Troopers for Star Wars Legion

The 7 scout troopers from the front

Scout Troopers for Star Wars Legion

The 7 scout troopers from the side

Scout Troopers for Star Wars Legion

The 7 scout troopers from the rear

Scout Troopers for Star Wars Legion

The 7 scout troopers in a v formation

Scout Troopers for Star Wars Legion


Scout Troopers for Star Wars Legion

The leader with electrobinoculars

Scout Troopers for Star Wars Legion

More electrobinoculars

Scout Troopers for Star Wars Legion

I’ve got a bomb.

Scout Troopers for Star Wars Legion

The 7 scout troopers in a wedge formation.