Star Wars Armada – Red and Black TIE Squadrons

Star Wars Armada -  TIE Interceptors in Red and Black in Red and Black

Painting the Red and Black TIE Fighters

The aim was to created a set of TIE Fighters from the Imperial Fighters 1 expansion all in the same colour scheme.

I’ve previously made some up in a crude red and black scheme using a red base colour, but with these I wanted to try having a base colour of black and just use red on the wings.

The advantage of using black as a base colour is that it can be sprayed on. 

I tried out a bit of blending on the wings to pretty good effect. The close up photos show up the blending to be a bit “muddy” but these guys are tiny so they look great on the tabletop.


Advanced TIE Fighters – Black and Red

These Advanced TIE Fighters for Star Wars Armada are painted in red and black. 

TIE Bombers – Red and Black

A set of TIE Bombers for Star Wars Armada in red and black.

TIE Interceptors – Red and Black

A set of TIE Interceptors for Star Wars Armada in red and black.